
I have had quite the two weeks. As I write this, I am on the floor of BWI awaiting to board a JetBlue flight. I was supposed to be in a Spirit flight and I should have been back to Massachusetts at 9:15pm. It is currently 8:34pm and we are not going anywhere yet. Getting to MD was as easy as can be but getting out has given me a major headache. It is like there is something in this state that never wants me to leave.

I left MA on August 2 to go back to MD. Less than 15 people knew about this. There are many reasons I kept this visit on the down low, but that is a story for another day.
I came back to MD just to fill in for two weeks at the best camp on Earth (River Valley Ranch). I left my boyfriend, my real job, and my home to come back to MD and it’s been rough.

There has been a lot that has been thrown at me within the past two weeks. I have been extremely stressed out. Right before I left I had just moved into my new home for the year. I have not unpacked anything. I have no desk, I have no dressers, I have nothing. I have to pay rent. I make a decent amount of money but I have not worked my real job in about 2 weeks so my paycheck last week was slim to none and my paycheck next week will be slim to none. I have to buy groceries and eat, I have to buy stuff for my room, I have to pay for internet. There is a lot of things I have to pay for before the end of the month and I get paid a day before the last day of the month. So I am a teeny tiny bit stressed. I am called to cast all my cares on the Lord, and I am... At least I am trying. Thankfully I do have a family and a boyfriend that are willing to do all they can to help me and it is comforting. But I am 23 years old. I want to figure all of this out on my own. I want to be able to fix my own problems. What an only child mentality. *insert eye roll here*

My original flight was through Spirit and they canceled the flight less than an hour before I was about to leave. SOOOOO... I had to get on the phone and figure all of this out because their website was not working. I decided to move my flight to tomorrow morning. As soon as I changed flights and got off of the phone something within me was telling me that I needed to just cancel my flight plans and get a refund. Something within me started to burn. So I jumped on JetBlue's website and searched for their earliest flight.... and it was quite expensive but I did not know what else to do because I was running out of time. I called my mom and she said either choice I make is a lose-lose. The deciding factor was that I have a meeting tomorrow at 10am and I cannot risk being late to or even missing the meeting. I bought the JetBlue ticket on my credit card; I will just pay it back with the help of my mom and my Spirit refund. As all of this is happening, I remember that I have a booked ride coming to pick me up and I am not fully packed. SOOOOOO... I have more running around to do while I book this new flight and cancel my Spirit flight and do all of the things around the house I had to do before I left.

Thankfully, I get everything done in time and the ride comes to get me... but I look at the clock again and remember my flight is scheduled for 7:50pm. At that time it was basically 5pm. Now I am stressing out because it can take an hour and a half to get to BWI from my house and that is NOT a lot of time to get through TSA. On the ride to BWI, as I am worried about missing my flight, I get an email from JetBlue saying the flight is delayed. I am relieved but I instantly become worried again. WHAT IF THEY CANCEL THIS FLIGHT I PAID TONS OF MONEY TO GET ON!!?? Oh Lord, I feel like my life is falling apart. I get to the airport and I talk to the lovely JetBlue front desk lady and she tells me the flight should not be canceled, it will just be delayed. And once again, I am stress free and happy. Which brings us to me on the floor right now and the end of this post.
