Perfection is Not Possible

I have been dating the coolest guy for over 6 months now. He is gentle, caring, kindhearted, strong, protective, goofy, and so much more. He was put into my life at the perfect time and we are constantly growing together as a couple and as individuals. He pushes me daily to be a better woman. I get to practice and show unconditional love at all times and how to have a listening ear. I also get to practice patience, kindness, and being slow to anger. I talk about him all the time and each day I talk about him I feel like a magnet is pulling my heart closer to his. He could have broken up with me for so many reasons before we even hit three months and could have done the same for him. But we have worked through a lot of things and we know there is still more for us to work through as time progresses.

I used to believe there was a perfect person for me but perfection is not possible. He is not perfect but I think he is a fantastic fit for my life. He brings me joy, not happiness. He has seen me at my best and my worst. He has cared for me through panic attacks, depression, and so much more. He has come to every single performance I have had since we have started dating. He always goes above and beyond what he needs to do. He will put me in-front of other things he has going on and always make me a priority. He has many qualities that will make him a fantastic leader, husband, and father. I hope I am the one that gets to hold his hands at the altar because he is quite the catch.

We recently got outdoors and went on an amazing hike. It was so relaxing to be active together. So nice to escape the city and spend time walking through the woods, seeing animals, and climbing on rocks. The main destination was beautiful but the journey and the moments along the way might have ultimately been the prettiest. The day was gorgeous and the sky was clear. It was calming to look beside me and know that the person I did this with wants nothing but to love me more than I could ever imagine. And then, when I think about how much Jesus loves me, it is like billions and billions more than my boyfriend could ever fathom loving me. That is ridiculous. God's love for us is freaking ridiculous.

"Behold, you are beautiful, my love; behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.

Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful. Our couch is green; the beams of our house are cedar; our rafters are pine."
Song of Solomon 1:15-17 ESV
